

Staggering Statistics

I just totalled up the number of job interviews I have had the misery of experiencing in New York City. The range and diversity of businesses involved is almost as shocking as the number. Maybe I haven't set any records, but surely I must be at least a statistical anomaly. During senior year of high school, I applied to eight schools. I had an interview of some sort (informational, alumni, scholarship) at half of those. I was accepted at six of those schools, with one rejection and one waitlist. During the past several months, I have sent out my resume countless times. I have had interviews with twenty-two different businesses, some of them involving multiple visits. Of those twenty-two candidacies, I have received zero job offers. Just bad luck... or something far more sinister? [I am left-handed after all.]

There have been two more interviews not yet accounted for in the blog, but I am not in a very word mood at the moment. For now, I'll just let you know that they were both in PR, and one of them was the single worst interview I have had to date. [There's a cliffhanger for ya.]


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