

You're Telling Me!

Well, I still haven't heard back from any of the interviews I had last week. I keep expecting my phone to ring, but it just sits there, all smug and shiny, mocking me with its refusal to put me in touch with all these people who are trying to hire me.

I met with another gallery owner today; our families are old friends. He tried so hard to be helpful. He gave me suggestions for job listings, looked over my resume and sample cover letter, talked to some of his assistants, and named some people to contact. What did I learn? We discovered that I was doing absolutely nothing wrong. My resume is impressive and attractively formatted. My cover letter, which at first seemed a bit lengthy, says exactly the right things in just the right amount of words. I've been consulting the proper sources for finding out about openings, and I've been making good contacts and creating a solid network of connected people. For the past several months, I have been doing nothing wrong! He also wanted to make sure I didn't end up at some tacky low-level gallery, so I should get in touch with him about any offers I get. It seems I'm a fluke who is somehow slipping through the system: a qualified candidate who for a variety of different bizarre reasons, cannot get hired.

Now I can say, without fear of being called paranoid, that the world is out to get me. Ha! My applications are getting lost in the mail. My resume was in the pile of the best applicants, but someone spilled coffee all over it, so it was simply thrown out. I was about to be hired, but then they got an applicant who spoke seven languages, could simultaneously type and make photocopies, and was childhood friends with the director. Somehow I keep managing to get myself into situations where I should be winning by a landslide, but in some ironic twist of fate, I end up a loser. I have just one concluding remark: GRRRR!


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