

Get this...

I just got a call today from a gallery I had sent my resume to earlier this week. As many businesses do when advertising openings, this gallery did not disclose its name and used an anonymous email address so that applicants can't track them down and annoy them with phone calls. So I had no idea where I was applying until I got the call and we arranged for an interview. After I hanging up, I looked up the gallery's website. I was initially confused about the relationship between the VP (who called me) and the gallery owner because they both have the same initials, which coincidentally are the same as mine. However, the coincidences do not stop there. I looked at the list of artists that the VP represents, and one immediately jumped out at me. If you recall, one of my many part-time gigs last fall was assisting an artist, and apparently this gallery represents her. Now I'm trying to decide if when the time comes, it would be wise to mention our previous relationship. If I did bring it up, they may very well call her, and she may very well tell them that I did not seem to enjoy putting gesso on panels, (as if anyone would,) and they may take that as a bad sign. On the other hand, it is bound to surface sooner or later, so if I didn't tell them, would I be creating an inevitable awkward situation? In a perfect world, I would have a job offer by then, and could use this turn of events as an opportunity to screw with this VP's mind at the interview. This artist is not well-known at all, so I could pretend I was a huge fan, and describe the process she uses to the smallest detail, and list off names of her other assistants. That would be priceless.


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