

New Year, No Prospects

Happy 2005. It is officially no longer the year I graduated. After my visits to various places in Massachusetts, I've returned to my depressing life. Only now it's slightly more depressing because my internship has ended, and I have more time to sit around worrying about getting a job. And I really enjoyed spending time at home, and especially with some old friends. I didn't feel so alone, but a couple days back here and it's misery. So come hang out with me.

The architecture firm that seemed so interested in me a few weeks ago has changed its mind, and is now re-listing the job as a temporary position and interviewing candidates with more administrative experience. Translation: I didn't get the job. What a surprise. So I'm going to give my second interview (which should be happening this week) everything I've got.

Honestly, I'm about to give up. I don't want to do this anymore. I hate writing these trite, transparent cover letters containing bullshit about how well qualified I am for any given position. I hate having my emotions toyed with by potential employers who want to keep me on a leash without committing. I hate prostituting myself during interviews, smiling and nodding, playing the part of the ideal candidate. And I hate these places that don't even bother to call me to say they've decided to hire someone else, leaving it up to me to call and thoroughly embarrass myself by being told I'm not good enough. It's demeaning, and I'm sick of it.

I'm also terribly irked by the people telling me they are jealous of me: jealous that I had the balls to move to a new place without assurance of employment, jealous that I decided to tackle the real world, jealous that I'm young and I can do anything I want. These are not reasons to be jealous of me, because these are the conditions that are making my life miserable right now. I can understand people who are jealous of me because I had a top-notch education, because I have a supportive family, or because I can afford to eat. Don't try to cast a positive light on these conditions which I am trying to change, just help me change them.


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