

I Am Not Alone, But It Sure Feels Like It

After seeing a couple former classmates over the weekend, I've discovered that I am not the only person floundering around the city, unable to actually get a job, and suffocating under his financial shortcomings. Unfortunately, even those who have previously been through this unnervingly frustrating stage of life quickly forget how depressing it is, so entwined are they within their weekday routine.

For many, what began as a job search for a specific position within a desired field, has expanded into desperation for just about any paying job. Personally, I expect I will be faced with decision in a couple months. Either I can [temporarily?] dash all my hopes of developing any sort of career here and take a job in retail (or something comparable), or I can pack up and leave, maybe staking out a place in the middle of nowhere, where I can afford rent with what a pay for a weeks worth of food here. And in my opinion, it's just not worth having such a high cost of living for such a low quality of life. I'm really not sure I was cut out for city living to begin with, I need my open space and grassy fields, and the park is just i quick fix.

I'm also not really satisfied with my current living situation. I have 3 roomates, yet I feel like I'm living alone, and I don't want to live alone. I like my roomates, they're all chill and they usually wash their dishes and we get along, but we're not especially good friends. I've been living with some of my best friends for the past several years, and I'm not ready to give it up for no reason. While I'm definitely down with Brooklyn, I'm not especially fond of Greenpoint. Not sure why... maybe because it's dirty and nobody speaks English. So provided I'm employed here in 2005, I'll probably be moving, hopefully with people I know.

Cross your fingers for my interview tomorrow.


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