

And Another One...

Remember that job at the ad firm that I really wanted? My intuitions were all too right, and I didn't even make it past the first interview. Ouch. Have you ever had that feeling where it seems like the entire world has singled you out, and is putting all its effort into making you miserable? I'm becoming well acquainted with it. This whole job search has made me incredibly bipolar. Every instance of a possibility sparks these flashes of hope in my mind, which makes rejection that much more painful. And anyone who knows me is aware of how poorly I deal with rejection.

I have one more job application pending. After that, it's back to square one. Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. Should I greet my interviewers on my knees, my eyes beginning to flood, about to break down completely? It works for little kids, and I hover somewhere around the toddler state-of-mind. I just realized how selfish this whole affair is, but my own problems come much more readily to mind than those of others. Right, back to working on my brothers' holiday gifts.


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