


In an effort to maintain my sanity, I've returned home to New England for the holidays. Unfortunately, I brought little good news with me, although the fact that I was still alive was probably enough for my parents. I randomly decided to do a second follow-up on an interview I had about 2 months ago, remembering that this employer was not planning to hire anyone until December or January. I actually heard back from the person who interviewed me, and they haven't hired anyone yet, but she said her concern with me as a candidate was that I might be too shy to handle the pressure of dealing with clients and such. Needless to say, upon hearing that the position was still available, I quickly refuted these allegations, and purported my ability to get things done, meanwhile fabricating excuses for my apparent nervousness during the interview. So I will be going in for a second interview, guns blazing, and bomb those silly ideas out of her head, or at least put on a good enough act to convince her otherwise.

After all, that's all an interview is. The interviewee becomes an actor, and he must play the role of the person that he thinks the interviewer wants to hire. So two conditions must be met for a shot at the job, the interviewee must correctly determine the ideal candidate, and he must accurately portray that character. Failure in either of these conditions generally results in a blown opportunity. I may be acting too much like myself, and not enough like the character I'm supposed to be playing. Given my academic overanalysis of job interviewing, maybe I should revisit the acting techniques I learned during freshman year of high school. It's all about Stanislavsky's method acting and emotional memory. Maybe I can conquer my subconscious desire to not be hired using these techniques.

Anyway, I still haven't heard back from the architecture firm, even though they said they would get back to me over a week ago, and as far as I know, they never contacted any of my references. When I get back in town, I'll have to give them a second follow-up as well. And I promised my little brother a shout-out on my blog, so I'll let the b-boy in me out for a second. Wanna give props to the Bambino holdin it down in the motherland this spring, ken ya dig it? To all you heathens: Merry Christmas. It means that the month of hearing those nauseating holiday songs is almost over.


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