


I found out that I do remember how to speak Spanish, but that it may take a drink or two to remind me of that fact. So I was speaking Spanish with a native speaker at the after-after-party, but it didn't seem like an entirely cohesive conversation to me, but I guess that wasn't the case. I don't recall the content of the conversation, but it was slightly argumentative, as this guy is one of those "I have an opinion about everything, and can't restrain that fact if my BAC is higher than .001" kind of guys. I was never one to put together a cohesive statement at four in the morning in my nativelanguagee, so to do so in a foreign language is quite an accomplishment. I'm sure I dropped some Italian words into my sentences though, because I can longer keep those languages completely separate in my mind. I wonder why the various tenses were the first thing to go from my language memory, is this the case for most people? Why is it easier to remember vocab than conjugation for example? And why in the hell were we speaking Spanish at four in the morning at a random club on the west side?

I also found out that it was probably not the best decision to bust out my dance moves in the company of co-workers. They were astounded that a mild-mannered kid like me has some skillz and now they want me to demonstrate for everyone else in the department. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine stupidly tried to start up the dance floor at the holiday party with her spastic kicking dance style, and then everyone knew what a terrible dancer she was, so will clearly become the butt of jokes when she is in the company of co-workers and there is music. I think the same thing will happen to me (except that they'd be earnestly encouraging me.) Dancing must be my superpower… next time I should be more careful of exposing it; with great power comes great responsibility. Hmm, that doesn't translate very well... Con mucho poder viene mucho responsabilidad. Does that even make sense?


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