

Vegan Contraception

This picture cracked me up. What in the hell is that old man doing? I'm glad the picture stops at his shoulders.

I saw this picture in a news article about a condom company that is being considered as the preferred supplier for the UN. The company, "Condomi", manufactures the only Vegan-approved condoms: "All Condomi condoms are free of animal derivatives and meet or surpass all global and domestic quality accreditations."

I wasn't aware most condoms contained animal derivatives, unless you count lambskin ones... but do they even manufacture those anymore?

From http://www.thingsmyboyfriendsays.com/: "What the f*** is a vegan condom, a hollowed out carrot?"

References: Article and picture from http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,678520,00.html


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